I knew this was coming. The moment Alan made a comment about it being "over" I knew I was in for dissapointment. Only more dissapointing is the fact that the SERIES finale of Boston Legal was on at the same time as Heroes and Prison Break. So, my Tivo had to choose, and it chose both of those instead of the BL.
So I missed the series finale, which sucks, but I just found out that they started to finally put the episodes online. I get to watch it at some point, but that doesn't change the fact that my favorite show on TV is toast.
I'm not sure why I started watching BL. I loved James Spader in Secretary, so that may have had something to do with it. Also, David E. Kelley is a genius. I remember falling in love with the characters on that first episode, and I've been an avid watcher ever since.
I loved that the show pushed the envelope all the time. It wasn't really realistic in some ways, but it also tackled real issues that we deal with today. I loved how the cases were extremely pertinent to current events, and the writers always had brilliant closings to sum up these issues. It was smart, funny, and aware.
I have to admit it was very liberal. Even though Denny was a staunch republican the show was still extremely liberal. That is probably one of the reasons I loved it. I'm a liberal, therefore shows with a liberal bent appeal to me. It may have been too liberal for some, which can be witnessed at the message boards on abc.com, but it always focused on issues that are important to us right now. I felt like the show broadened my horizons, forced me to think about political and legal issues. Not many dramas can actually teach you a thing or two about current events and the social and political climate we live in.
Alan was a great character. I loved him. I wanted to bone him. His closings were brilliant. But Denny ultimately made me laugh more. He always pushed people's buttons, and I don't know how many times he shot people and got away with it. I'm glad he moved to a paintball handgun in recent episodes. I'll never forget the episode where we meet Shirley Schmito. I think it was a season premire--what a way to start the season off. That episode was frickin hilarious, and that life size doll and Denny being "caught" with her was priceless.
There are so many great moments. Great Halloween costumes (remember the flamingos?). Great road trips. Great Christmas parties. Great cases. And Great closings. I'll miss this show a lot.
I've asked for the BL seasons for Christmas, and I hope I get some of them. Now that the show is over I could relive the greatness all over again. If I don't, hell, I'll probably buy them anyway.