27 October 2008

Seriously? Don F*ing Cheadle?

Ok, I just read that Terrence Howard has been replaced in his Iron Man role by Don Cheadle.

Don Fucking Cheatle.

He's okay, I guess. He did a good job in the Ocean's triology. But he's not Terrence Howard, damnit. Not even close.

Let's compare:

In terms of hotness, Howard wins hands down. In terms of acting, it's a toss-up. But I don't think this role is good for Cheadle at all. He's a little too wacky for the part, and Howard provides more of classy approach. Howard started it, and he should finish it. This is BS to the highest degree. I hope that what I read was BS, because if not, Iron Man will be dead to me. DEAD.

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